Frequently asked questions
Want to make a reservation? Looking for a job but don’t know where to write or call? Find the answers to your questions here.
You can order MySushi dishes via our website. Select your favourite products from the menu, add them to your shopping cart and follow the instructions to complete your order. To order, select the restaurant of your choice here.
Please check that your shopping cart includes products with full price.
We offer delivery in several locations through the Wolt app.
You can track the status of your order on the website where you placed it. In the “My Orders” section or by using the tracking code that you will received with your order confirmation email.
Yes, we offer special menus and are aware of food allergies. Please check the information on the menu or contact the restaurant for more information. You can find restaurant phone numbers here.
You can contact our customer service:
- By calling the restaurant number. You can find the numbers here.
- By filling in the contact form here.
- By sending us an e-mail at
To leave feedback, we have created an online form under the Contact Us section of the website, where you can give us more detailed feedback and ask us any questions you may have.
For urgent questions, you can also contact the restaurant directly.
Please select your restaurant from our restaurant list and call the restaurant number.
You can e-mail us directly and we will reply to you as soon as possible: